Sorry i Can not get on to my facebook at the min,
As they say i am abusive, agresive and voilent,
And the use of my Name Pouncy is illegal,
I have bean know as Pouncy ever since i was like 16 for years, Most people only know me as Pouncy.

On Twitch streaming Overwatch
PSN :- pouncy452
PC:- pouncy#21428
£5 voucher of Sneak Energy Drink
No Sugar. No Junk. No Lag.

Green Screen
I Love doing Green screen photos, as you can do so much more with the photos after you have taken then, main thing shange the background to many possibilitys.
Studio Weekends:-
Usually stay at my home or local hotel, down in wales.
1:- Full studio day in a hired room with all my equipment
2:- Full Location day locations dependent on what costume or what you want to do. E.G. Beaches, Woodlands, Castles, Abandon Buildings, Mountaions, Massive open Areas, Waterfalls, Churches, Hiden Tunnes, Caves, Streets, Towns, Badrooms.
You will have all the photos that I take to do what you want with, And I have full use of the photos as well, If I publish any photos I will let you know etc.
Please Contact me for info etc. Mobile :- 07815740473 E-mail:-g452@btinternet.com

Green Screen Tutorials
There are many ways of doing green screen photography and softwear to do it..
1:- Gimp
2:- Photoshot
3:- Digitaldarkroon
4:- photokey